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Program: WGV Waterwise Development Exemplar

Partners: DevelopmentWA; Water Corporation; Department of Water; Curtin University; CRC for Low Carbon Living; CRC for Water Sensitive Cities; City of Fremantle; UDIA (WA); Josh Byrne & Associates

Status: 2015 – 2020

WGV Research Programs

WGV Waterwise Development Exemplar

The WGV Waterwise Development Exemplar (WDE) showcases the industry-leading approach to urban water management and mains water optimisation that has been adopted throughout the 2.2ha WGV residential precinct.

WGV achieved a 65% reduction in mains water consumption. This equates to around 37kL per person per year, in contrast to the Perth average* of 106kL per person per year.

Key water saving initiatives include advanced water efficiency requirements on all dwellings, lot-scale rainwater harvesting systems for supplying water to toilets and washing machines, and a community bore irrigation supply for use in both public and private gardens. There is also a range of water sensitive landscaping features integrated across the development site.

Central to the WGV WDE project is a five-year program of research activities that address the following objectives:

  • Quantify the scheme water savings across a range of residential typologies.
  • Monitor the performance of the various water-based initiatives (technical, operational and behavioral) deployed at WGV.
  • Critically assess the performance of the stormwater drainage design requirements for the site via real-time data capture.
  • Analyse data and report on the performance findings.

*2008/2009 Perth Residential Water Use Study (PRWUS). The figure includes water consumption from in-home water use, pools, irrigation and leaks.

Key learnings have been communicated to industry, local government and the broader community. Performance data has been used to verify the water use targets, design, governance and operational experiences and has been shared via case studies and events delivered in association with project partners.


Case Study Report by CRC for Water Sensitive Cities

The Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) purpose is to help change the way we design, build and manage our cities and towns by valuing the contribution water makes to economic development and growth, our quality of life, and the ecosystems of which cities are a part.

The CRCWSC has developed case studies to help build a body of evidence that can support and encourage the adoption of research outcomes. The detailed case studies capture and communicate the lessons learned from the early adoption of research knowledge in real-life projects. These have been developed in collaboration with project stakeholders to identify the key drivers and innovations which led to the discovery of water sensitive cities outcomes, and to highlight the challenges faced during the process.

CRCWSC White Gum Valley Case Study

Community Bore Guide

The Community Bore Guide was developed to provide information to developers, local governments or other service providers on the planning, technical, operational and governance aspects of community bores. Developed by Josh Byrne & Associates, the information helps to ensure that community bores are designed, implemented and managed to suit site specific conditions and prevent overuse of Perth’s precious groundwater. The Guide consists of two parts:

Part 1

A Community Bore Checklist. This is a succinct summary document that provides an introduction to community bores and a suggested four stage process to assist in site specific implementation. These stages include: planning, design, installation and operation. The Checklist can be used as a stand-alone document or read in conjunction with the detailed

Part 2

Community Bore Report, as each component of the four stages directly corresponds to sections and headings in the report. The Community Bore Checklist can be distributed to practitioners and stakeholders involved in implementation.
Part 2: Community Bore Report. The report contains additional detail on the suggested four stage process, as well as a ‘Concept to Operation’ flowchart, a developer to service provider handover procedure, insights into stakeholder experiences from previous community bore implementation and Appendices examples to support the process of implementation.

Community Bore Guide

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