The Community Bore Guide was developed to provide information to developers, local governments or other service providers on the planning, technical, operational and governance aspects of community bores. Developed by Josh Byrne & Associates, the information helps to ensure that community bores are designed, implemented and managed to suit site specific conditions and prevent overuse of Perth’s precious groundwater. The Guide consists of two parts:
Part 1
A Community Bore Checklist. This is a succinct summary document that provides an introduction to community bores and a suggested four stage process to assist in site specific implementation. These stages include: planning, design, installation and operation. The Checklist can be used as a stand-alone document or read in conjunction with the detailed
Part 2
Community Bore Report, as each component of the four stages directly corresponds to sections and headings in the report. The Community Bore Checklist can be distributed to practitioners and stakeholders involved in implementation.
Part 2: Community Bore Report. The report contains additional detail on the suggested four stage process, as well as a ‘Concept to Operation’ flowchart, a developer to service provider handover procedure, insights into stakeholder experiences from previous community bore implementation and Appendices examples to support the process of implementation.
Community Bore Guide